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My Record Collection / Sep 22, 2021

My Record Collection by Dave Hause

In My Record Collection, we dig down to the bottom of musicians' souls to find out what the most treasured parts of their record collection are. This week, it's the turn of rootsy singer-songwriter Dave Hause, let's look at what he chooses...

In My Record Collection, we dig down to the bottom of musicians' souls to find out what the most treasured parts of their record collection are. This week, it's the turn of rootsy singer-songwriter Dave Hause, let's look at what he chooses...


The first record I ever bought with my own money was…

"Aerosmith’s Permanent Vacation. My parents let me buy some records previously with their money because I got into music so fervently at such a young age. I was obsessed with The Hooters, Lionel Richie, Michael Jackson’s Thriller, and Heart’s self-titled record. I figured out the Columbia House/BMG offer would get me a bunch of records in one shot, and I really wanted Permanent Vacation because I had heard 'Angel'. I’m probably still locked into a contract with them from those free 10 cassettes for a penny deal..."


The record that made me want to be in a band was…

"The Hooters’ Nervous Night. They were blowing up when I was seven or eight years old, and they were from Philadelphia. My Uncle Steve took me to see them and it was the loudest, scariest, most thrilling thing I’d ever witnessed, and after hearing that first chord, I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up."


The record I've played more than any other is…

"Tom Petty’s Wildflowers. My favourite songwriter at the peak of his powers. Pure bliss."


The record that always makes me feel good is…

"Tom Petty’s Full Moon Fever. It brings me back to being a kid, while simultaneously allowing my adult songwriter brain to appreciate how perfect the craft is."


The record I turn to when I'm feeling down is…

"I love The Cure’s live record called Show. They’re touring at the height of their commercial peak, and the versions are a little looser than what’s on the record. It's a perfect blend of happy and sad, melancholy and joy."


The record I think is the most underrated of all time is…

"Of all time is really tough, I’m a big fan of the Replacements and those records weren’t quite as big as the rock and roll of the time, but they also were a bit of a train wreck. I’m going to throw a curveball here and say that my second record, Devour is a really great album that not enough people heard. I know, this is a gratuitous answer, but it's honest. Go listen to it, it's damn good."


The record with my favourite cover art is…

"The Roots’ Things Fall Apart has always forced a double-take. It’s an incredible photo, and the title text underpins it. An incredible album too."



The record with my favourite title is…

"Alkaline Trio’s Good Mourning. It’s one of those ideas I just wish I got to first."


The record I can't understand why everybody loves is…

"Scorpion by Drake. Drake. Give me a break..."


The last record I bought was…

"I pre-ordered the upcoming new record from My Morning Jacket. Since Tom Petty died and the Heartbreakers don’t play, I think MMJ is the best American band going."


The record I'm most looking forward to hearing in 2021 is…

"Kacey Musgraves’ Star Crossed. I love her last record Golden Hour, and I’m a sucker for divorce/break up records, so this will be good."


The greatest record of all time is…

"The Beatles’ Help. When you have “I’ve Just Seen A Face” and “Yesterday” as tracks 12 and 13, you’ve made a masterpiece."


Dave Hause's new album, Blood Harmony, is released on October 21st and can be pre-ordered here in hmv's online store.


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